In Authentic, the flagship television and radio program of the Voice of Prophecy, Pastor Shawn Boonstra pursues the deepest questions of human existence. Check out the most recent episodes below.
Back in the earliest years of Christian history, a lot of deep thinkers struggled to wrap their minds around the concept of Jesus being not just a man, and not just God, but instead BOTH things at the very same time. How could the eternal Almighty Himself come to this earth as a real flesh-and-blood human? Shawn Boonstra takes a little time to examine that claim in this special Christmas episode.
Admit it—you do things you know you shouldn't. We all do. It's almost like we can't help it. Shawn Boonstra explores how emotions almost always override logic.
Maybe. Just maybe you can figure out why you exist. Historical records indicate that people have tried for millennia, so Shawn Boonstra says it must be important.
People are really mean—or at least they can be. They'll attack what you do, what you believe, and even who you are. So how can you cope with all that toxicity? Shawn Boonstra examines the story of a 6th-century statesman named Boethius, who found peace even as his haters plotted to kill him. Premieres April 1, 2022 at 5 p.m. Mountain Time.