In Authentic, the flagship television and radio program of the Voice of Prophecy, Pastor Shawn Boonstra pursues the deepest questions of human existence. Check out the most recent episodes below.
Back in the earliest years of Christian history, a lot of deep thinkers struggled to wrap their minds around the concept of Jesus being not just a man, and not just God, but instead BOTH things at the very same time. How could the eternal Almighty Himself come to this earth as a real flesh-and-blood human? Shawn Boonstra takes a little time to examine that claim in this special Christmas episode.
Have you ever started something with the intention of doing something good and inadvertently ended up doing the exact opposite? Unintended consequences are, unfortunately, a part of life. But what can you do about it? Shawn Boonstra explores why your human judgment can often betray you.
Imagine going into a room to make a presentation, knowing that nobody really wants you there—and they’re probably going to laugh at you the whole time. Would you still be willing to do it? What would it take to make you persist? Shawn Boonstra takes a look at what Jesus experienced throughout his life here on Earth.
We're living in an increasingly impatient world, aren't we? Even though we're easily the most affluent generation in the history of the world, somehow we still seem to think we deserve a little more, as soon as possible. And sometimes, that attitude can even show up in church.