Authentic Debuts Nationally


By Ruben Gomez

Update: Authentic has premiered. Click here to watch FREE anytime.


The Voice of Prophecy is pleased to announce the debut of its latest media offering. Authentic, a 30-minute television and radio program featuring Shawn Boonstra, will make its debut on Saturday, Feb. 20 at 6:30 p.m. EST (3:30 PST) on Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN).

Box 55

The Legacy of Box 55


Learn more about the amazing legacy of Box 55, Los Angeles in the video below:

New Phone Numbers at the VOP

We've Updated Our Phone Numbers!


All Voice of Prophecy direct lines previously beginning with 805 will now begin with the 970 prefix.

The ministry's main telephone number is now (970) 622-2999, its central fax line is now (970) 776-9221, and the main Discover Bible School line is now (970) 622-2990.

Kenneth Richards

Kenneth Richards, Long-Time VOP Leader, Son of Founder, Passes to His Rest


Kenneth (Ken) Richards, who served as associate speaker of the Voice of Prophecy from 1986 through 1993 and was the son of VOP founder H.M.S. Richards Sr., died of cancer on April 6, 2020 at a care facility in Camarillo, Calif. He had spent the last two years of his life with his son and daughter-in-law in Newbury Park, Calif. He was 89.

Shawn Boonstra April 8 Report

A Ministry Update from Shawn Boonstra


Thank you for your continued support!



Help Save Indian Girls from Human Trafficking

Help Needed for VOP's Home for Girls During COVID-19


As you might remember, for the last several years the Voice of Prophecy has committed to providing a home for the girls Anita and her team rescue. This commitment remains strong. 

In fact, just last month, the Voice of Prophecy agreed to support Operation Child Rescue’s home, called Azadi, for an additional year. As you read the following report, please keep the girls at Azadi in your prayers and consider how you might support our efforts to provide them a place of safety going forward.

To help us with this endeavor, please visit

A Word of Encouragement and Hope from Shawn Boonstra


Discovering Revelation – Attend Across North America Starting March 6


Pandemics. Natural disasters. Military and political turmoil. The alarming state of the world in 2020 is causing many to seek answers—particularly in the books of Revelation and Daniel. But much confusion and misunderstanding still surrounds these ancient texts.
