
Nero the Beast?


By Shawn Boonstra

While not as popular as it used to be, the idea that the beast power points to pagan Roman Emperors is still somewhat common, and has actually seen a recent resurgence in some corners of Christianity. The book of Revelation’s twin assertions that it describes “things which must shortly take place,” and “the time is near” (Rev.

The New Year in Six Words


By Jean Boonstra

ThinkstockPhotos-487469652 (2)How would I describe 2015 in five words? The answer probably depends on my frame of mind or mood. I could describe my year like this: unpacking, committees, airports, jet-lag, deadlines. That perspective would likely rise to the surface after a grueling week at the office or at yet another airport departure gate.

He Is Coming!


By Kurt Johnson

“He which testifieth these things saith, Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus (Rev. 22:20).



By Alex Rodriguez

Today, I learned the hard way that in Colorado (at least where we live) it’s advisable to route your plumbing through the interior of the home and not inside the walls that are exposed to the outside–especially walls that face N or W.  Someone must have forgotten to tell the old owners that.  Luckily, the water was fine throughout the rest of the house making it a bit easier to track down the issue.  After taking in the situation, I decided to cut the back of the kitchen cabinet and sheetrock exposing the pipes.

2 Fish in 2 Fish Bowls

The Art of Comparative Sin


By Shawn Boonstra

There’s a serious problem with that kind of thinking: biblically speaking, there are no good people. “For there is not a just man on earth who does good and does not sin,” the wise man reminds us in Ecclesiastes 7:20. 

And Heaven Paused


By Kurt Johnson

I love holidays, including Christmas, even if the department store nearby puts out its Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. I love those colored lights around the windows—even if they don’t always twinkle like the box says they should. I even love the lopsided popsicle-stick ornaments dangling from the tree, that the kids made.

Why Shepherds?


By Jean Boonstra

Notice the shepherdess in this set. She is dressed in a traditional bonnet and dress with a little quilt slung across her skirt—a sheep in her arms. There is another sheep at her feet, and Joseph is depicted with a shepherd’s staff.

Mission to Mars?


By Alex Rodriguez

I recall my first visit to the NASA visitor’s center in Cape Canaveral, Florida. I was sold. I came out knowing I would be an astronaut some day. The reality of the danger of space flight only hit me after seeing the Challenger disaster in 1986. I was in the 7th grade, and along with the entire nation, watched the screen in disbelief. For those of you who were around in ’86, I’m sure you remember this well. The launch looked normal…then, a cloud of smoke. At first, we couldn’t tell if the smoke was routine or if something terrible had occurred.

“Land of the Free”


By Alex Rodriguez

Do you agree? Is this truly the land of the free? I agree that hard work and dedication tend to pay off. Notwithstanding, this issue of freedom strikes a chord with me. Firstly, as demonstrated by the following poem entitled “Our Flag” (which I read in my daughters 4th grade poetry book), our freedom came with a price, should not be taken lightly, and must be protected.

First Class Jerk


By Alex Rodriguez

I’m already tired and it’s still morning. My grumbling is interrupted by an agent’s voice coming over the loudspeaker announcing that my flight has been overbooked and they are looking for people willing to give up their seats. In a moment of serious delusion, I find myself contemplating how nice it would be to get a free travel voucher–with a family of 6, any little bit helps. Then my better judgment kicks in as I quickly scan the pandemonic frenzy around me so commonly associated with holiday travel.
