Jean Boonstra is an associate speaker for the Voice of Prophecy ministry. She is the creator, head writer, and executive producer of the Bible-based adventure audio series Discovery Mountain and its associated evangelistic programs, the Vacation Bible School Rescued: Safe in Jesus and the Flyover Faith Week of Prayer. A prolific writer, Jean has authored (among other things) two interactive adventure books for Discovery Mountain and the Sarah and Heather books in the Adventist Girl series, which shares history through the eyes of young girls in the Advent movement.
Jean has a passion for telling people about Jesus. While at university, she attended a series of evangelistic meetings in Victoria, B.C. She fell in love with Jesus, and since that time, she and her husband Shawn have followed God wherever He leads.
As a pastor's wife and mother of daughters, Jean is deeply committed to encouraging women. She believes that each woman is uniquely equipped to serve God and is called by Him for a purpose. Jean is a frequent speaker at women's retreats across North America.
Jean and Shawn make their now empty-nest home in Colorado.