If you compare television dads in the 1950s with the dads we see on TV today, it won't take you long to see that there's a drastic change in the way fathers are being portrayed. On today's Bullpen episode of Disclosure, Shawn and his guests discuss what fatherhood is and what it should be.


Episode Chapters

  • Comparing Suicide Rates of Boys and Girls

    Starting at 15 min 
    36 sec

    In cases where the father leaves his family behind, suicide rates seem to affect boys much more than girls.

  • What Do Dads Provide to Their Children?

    Starting at 23 min 
    03 sec

    Is there anything that dads bring to the table that mothers can't?

  • Disciplining Children

    Starting at 29 min 
    51 sec

    Why is the father usually the disciplinarian in the home?