Join Shawn and Jean as they begin their journey through the book of Daniel. Daniel is often thought of as one of the keys to understanding Bible prophecy in the book of Revelation. So grab your Bible and follow along!


Episode Chapters

  • Understanding the History Behind Daniel

    Starting at 7 min 
    08 sec

    Before jumping into the book of Daniel, it helps to know about the book's origins.

  • Daniel Chapter 1

    Starting at 17 min 
    38 sec

    When a nation was conquered, the conquering army tried to humiliate everyone they had conquered.

  • Babylon as an Example

    Starting at 39 min 
    20 sec

    Even though literal Babylon no longer exists, the Bible uses "Babylon" to refer to last-day events taking place now.

  • The Motion Picture Production Code

    Starting at 48 min 
    14 sec

    In 1930, these rules were set in the motion picture industry. The rules were never supposed to be broken. Are any of these rules still applied today?